Battery AG10


The use of batteries in various miniature devices makes certain demands on their size. The most practical among small DC sources used in watches, toys and key chains are 1.5 volt disk batteries. One of the most common and popular AG10 batteries in this class will be described in detail in this article.

Specifications AG10

Among the main distinguishing characteristics of the AG10 battery, the following parameters can be mentioned:Dimensions

  1. Diameter - 11.6 mm.
  2. Height - 3.1 mm.
  3. Capacity - 70 mAh.
  4. Voltage - 1.5 V.
  5. Type - clock battery.

The weight of one AG10 battery, at a fairly high power, is about 1 g, so even the use of several elements connected in series practically does not affect the mass of the electric device. Thanks to these properties, the use of this battery is very widespread.

Basic designationAG10
ViewManganese-alkaline element
Capacity70 mAh
Voltage1.5 V
Analogs AG10LR1130, LR54, 389, 390, G10, SR1130W
IEC codeLr54
The formTablet coin
Height3.1 mm
Diameter11.6 mm
Weight~ 1 gr

Battery Applications

The AG10 battery can be used in the following devices:

  1. Kids toys.
  2. Hearing Aids.
  3. Clock.
  4. Radios.

This type of power source has minimal self-discharge, therefore, in devices that are rarely used, they can be used for several years.


Battery analogs AG10

The AG10 battery is one of the most common batteries that can be found on store shelves. If for some reason it was not possible to purchase the original model, it can be replaced with the following analogues: LR1130, Lr54, 389, 390, G10, SR1130W

The listed power sources are suitable not only in form, but also in all electrical parameters.

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Can I charge the AG10 battery

It is strictly forbidden to charge the battery using electric chargers, as it is not a battery. Failure to do so may result in fire or explosion.

If you use "folk" means of restoring the battery capacity, then, in some cases, you can reanimate a discharged battery, but such a charge will last no more than 2 - 3 hours.

Popular manufacturers and their features

A huge number of AG10 battery manufacturers are on sale, therefore, sometimes, there are difficulties in choosing. This process can be greatly facilitated if you immediately give preference to a company that has established itself only on the positive side.


To date, the following AG10 battery manufacturers are most popular:

  1. Camelion. An alkaline tablet from this manufacturer is characterized by increased capacity and resistance to stress during operation. The cost of the product significantly exceeds analogues, but given the increased battery life, the cost of acquiring this battery will be completely justified, because ordinary salt batteries will require at least 5 pcs to equal the capacity of this battery.
  2. Varta. One of the most reliable battery manufacturers. Products have minimal self-discharge, so you can immediately purchase a package of 10 elements. As for capacitance and voltage, these indicators for Varta batteries are fully consistent with the nominal value.
  3. Space. PThe products of this domestic manufacturer of batteries are of low cost, with very decent quality.By purchasing an AG10 battery from this company, you don’t have to worry about the life of the electronic device. In terms of capacity, this battery is not inferior to the best foreign samples.
  4. Minamoto. AG10 batteries from a Chinese manufacturer of electrical goods have worthy characteristics, so you can safely install minamoto elements in any electrical device for which a battery of this type is needed.
  5. Robiton Domestic manufacturer of electrical goods, whose products are not inferior in quality to the best foreign samples. The AG battery from this manufacturer is characterized by increased endurance, so it is ideal for installation in children's toys.
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What to look for when purchasing

First of all, when choosing a new battery, you need to choose the same dimensions and the same power. Other types of disk batteries may look similar to the AG10, so you should find this designation on the device case. In addition, marking can be found on the packaging of the product.

Then you need to pay attention to the country where the battery was produced. A huge amount of low-quality products are imported from China, so products from this country should be purchased only if there are no domestic or European products on sale.

You should also carefully examine the packaging and product body for damage. If dents, deep scratches or abrasions are found, the purchase of goods should be abandoned.

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Charging device