Battery 376

376 battery

When replacing a miniature battery, it is not always clear which one to change. If it turns out to be slightly larger or smaller, it will not be able to lock into the holders, and if the voltage is incorrectly selected, the device may fail. What the 376 battery is and what its analogues will be described in detail below.

376 Battery Specifications

Knowing what qualities a battery has, you can choose a product that is identical to the battery installed in an electric device. This model of disk battery has the following characteristics:

Basic designation376
The formTablet (Coin)
Capacity26 mAh
Voltage1.55 V
Analog 376Read more HERE
Diameter6.8 mm
Height2.6 mm
Working temperaturefrom -10 to + 50˚C
Weight1,5 gr

With the independent selection of such an element, it is important to know what shape this product is about. For a successful search, it is recommended to visit the store section where disk or button batteries are sold.

Battery Application

Low power disk batteries are used in many products where the consumption of electric current is low. Most often, element 376 can be found in the following devices:

  • Hours.
  • Toys.
  • Medical devices.

Elements of this type can also be used in spy equipment and in other miniature sensors used for inconspicuous surveillance.


Analogs of the battery 376

If for one reason or another it was not possible to find the original product or there are a large number of unused batteries for other electronic devices, then in such cases it will not be out of place to know about the availability of analogues for the 376 battery.

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You can replace this battery with the following products:

All of these batteries can be used for installation in devices that use the original 376 battery.

Can I charge the 376 battery

The 376 battery is inexpensive, and you can buy such a product in almost any store, while such an element cannot be restored if it is dead. Even for the sake of interest, doing this is not worth it, because if a small voltage is applied to the product’s contacts, an explosion and fire can occur.

Using the methods proposed by craftsmen on the Internet is also not worth it. Even if there is a slight increase in voltage at the poles of the battery after various “ritual ceremonies” using hot water or fresh cow manure, this effect will be very short-lived.


Popular manufacturers and their features

The most popular 376 battery manufacturer is Renata. The batteries from this manufacturer compare favorably with their competitors in their battery life and relatively low cost.

Good quality batteries have products from Sony, Varta and Energaizer. These manufacturers for a long time keep a high bar in the quality of batteries, including push-button type.

What to look for when purchasing

When buying any battery and 376 batteries including, you need to pay attention to the type of product. Marking on button batteries, as a rule, is applied to the negative pole, but, in addition, on the package such a designation should also be duplicated. The logo or the name of the manufacturer is applied to the case.

In addition to the coincidence of the main parameters of the purchased product, the shelf life should not come to an end, and there should be no visible signs of mechanical stress on the element and packaging.

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Charging device