The phone starts without battery

Turn on the phone without battery

There are such situations - the battery is out of order, and the phone is urgently needed. What to do, run to the store for a new one? If this is not possible or it is impractical - you can try to turn on the phone without a battery.

Can I turn on the phone without battery

Turning on the mobile device may be necessary in case of emergency - for example, the battery is broken or dead, and you need to make an important call. Also, a similar situation may arise if a person bought a new other mobile device, and stopped using the previous one. During inactivity, the battery became unusable, and its owner suddenly needed the information stored on the device. Do not buy a new battery at once for an already unnecessary phone.

Turn on the phone from the network

Older models are used in some security systems that operate using dialers and alerts via mobile communications directly. They are forced to constantly work and the situation with a suddenly discharged battery is not allowed.

In all these situations, turning on the device is necessary, but is it possible? Yes, in most cases this is possible, but it is advisable to at least have a minimum knowledge of engineering and electrics.

Important! Before you begin to perform one of the methods of switching on without a battery, you should read the instructions for the mobile device. You must know the maximum voltage and current allowed for this model.

Methods for turning on the phone without a battery

There are various options for starting the phone without a battery:

  1. Through a separate power connector. Some older models have a separate power connector. If so, you can try to connect to the mains via charging. Everything will work out if the current does not go through the battery, but directly.
  2. Via a high-power power adapter. If the first method does not work, or the device starts to work unstably, it is worth choosing a suitable adapter with a higher power. However, care should be taken not to overdo it with stress.
  3. Through a cable of a different size. There are tips to replace the PSU cable with another one with a shorter length and a larger cross-section.
Read also:  Button phones with a large battery

Previous methods might work with older cell phones. They are also useful when connecting security systems in which such devices are used. Regarding modern smartphones, such methods are not applicable, since they have a different power circuit. By connecting the phone to an electrical network, computer or laptop, the power is supplied first to the battery, and then from it to the phone. Therefore, turning on a smartphone with a broken battery by connecting it to the network does not work.

Old connectors

How to turn on a modern smartphone without battery

To connect a modern model phone, you need a power adapter with a nominal voltage of 3.4-4.5 volts and a current of up to 2 Amperes with short circuit protection, a multimer, two wires, special clips (crocodiles), or a soldering iron if you plan to use phone this way all the time.

Operating procedure:

  1. Turn off the device and remove the battery.
  2. Determine where the positive and negative contacts are located on the terminals of the smartphone. To do this, you can watch them on the battery (they are usually signed) or measure with a multimer.
  3. Observing the poles, connect the wires from the adapter to the contacts of the smartphone. This can be done by attaching clamps to the terminals or simply soldering.The first method is suitable if you need to use the device once or twice. The second - if the device will be used constantly, for example in a security system.
  4. Turn on the adapter and smartphone.

Do not leave exposed wires, as this can lead to a short circuit and fire.

Turn on the phone without battery

How to bypass protection from connecting the phone directly

However, if the smartphone uses a data exchange module with a power source that works only when it comes in contact with the battery, this method will not work. In this case, disassembling the device and connecting the adapter bypassing this chip will help.

You can also try to assemble your own charging unit - "snag" - an adjustable resistor:

  1. Take the case from an unnecessary battery with a pad for contacts.
  2. Solder the contacts with the resistance necessary for this phone to the site.
  3. The information terminals located between the two extreme “workers” should be connected through a resistance of 20 kOhm before the last contact to the cable with a negative charge.
  4. Connect the wires from the PSU.
  5. Turn on the device.
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If this does not work, then nothing will work. It’s easier in this case to buy a new battery. If you need it only once, but don’t want to spend money, you can search among friends - someone will definitely find a suitable model.

Important! Connecting the adapter bypassing the data exchange module with the power source is worth it only if you are good at electronics and can solder. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the device completely.


What could be the consequences for the phone

Trying to turn on the mobile device bypassing the battery, you need to be prepared for anything. In the case when the information stored on it is very necessary, you need to ask yourself the question: are you ready to take risks? If not, it is best to find the right battery and use it. In extreme cases, the device along with the battery can be sold as unnecessary.

If you are ready to experiment, regardless of the result, then you need to consider the following:

  1. An old-style telephone with a separate power input, powered directly from the network, can work unstably, intermittently, and at one point just fail.
  2. If the power and voltage of the supplied current do not match, the phone will fail, even to the extent that it will be impossible to repair it, which means that it will also be able to pull out the necessary information.
  3. Incorrect actions can ruin a suitable power adapter.
  4. Not being able to solder and not understanding electronics, you can ruin the device, even doing everything correctly and according to the scheme.
  5. Not observing safety precautions, you can harm yourself - with a soldering iron or through bare wires under voltage.

Phone burned out

So if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to entrust the matter to a professional or someone who understands such a technique.

The possibility of a short circuit, as a result of which the device may catch fire, is not ruled out.

For those knowledgeable in technology and electronics, there is practically nothing impossible. Including the connection of the phone without a battery will seem to someone a trifle. However, in any case, this is associated with a certain degree of risk - the risk of losing the device permanently. Therefore, if the mobile device is very important, you need to think about whether the game is worth the candle.

Have you ever had the experience of turning on a mobile device without a battery, tell us about it in the comments, how it was implemented, for what and with which phone. This will help make the content on the site more interesting and complete.

Read also:  For what happens 3 or 4 contacts on the phone’s battery
Comments: 2
  1. Gennady

    : cry: the phone caught fire

  2. Leon

    A tablet with a connected charging of 5v 2a to the terminals instead of the battery has been working fine from the 220v network for two years, there have never been problems.

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Charging device