Battery PR48


Some batteries have specific sizes and are used to provide electric current to only one type of electrical device. The PR48 battery is an original product that is used only in hearing aids. The technical features and operating rules of the element will be described below.

PR48 Battery Specifications

For the safe use of an electrical device, it is advisable to know in advance its basic technical characteristics. The parameters of the PR48 battery are as follows:

Basic designationType 13
ViewAir zinc
The formTablet (coin)
Capacity255 mAh
Voltage1.4 V
Analogue PR48Read more HERE
Diameter7.9 mm
Height5,4 mm
Weight0.4 gr

The advantage of products of this type is that they are air-zinc, so during operation the battery cannot leak and spoil an expensive electrical device.

Battery Applications

This type of battery is used only for hearing aids. Most often, this battery is used in devices of small and medium power. Hearing aids of this type, as a rule, have a behind-the-ear mount.

Hearing Aid Batteries

Analogs of the battery PR48

Analogs allow you to replace a standard battery with a product that, by basic parameters, will be identical to the original battery. For the PR48 element, such "substitutes" are:

If the listed analogues were also not found in the store, then you can use SONY PR13-D6A for this purpose, which has a slightly larger capacity.

Can I charge the PR48 battery

The PR48 battery is a zinc-air battery, which must not be charged. If a constant current is supplied to the product’s contacts with a voltage of about 1.5 V, then a small value of the increase in capacity can be obtained, but as a result of such actions, the product may explode as a result of overheating.

Read also:  Battery 332 / A332

Using other “popular” options for restoring batteries of this type is also not recommended. To exclude the possibility that the hearing aid cannot be used as a result of lowering the voltage level of the battery, you should pre-purchase a package of such products. The cost and self-discharge of such products is small, so you can stock up on them for the future.

Type 13

Popular manufacturers and their features

The most popular manufacturers of this type of battery are:

  • Panasonic - high-quality batteries, but the cost of products is quite high.
  • Camelion - products from this manufacturer have an extended service life, and the price of batteries is in the middle range.
  • GP - products manufactured under this brand are of high quality, while the price is not below average.

In addition to these companies, good products of this type are produced under the Sony and Cosmos brands.

What to look for when purchasing

When you purchase a new PR48 battery, you must first pay attention to the marking. The designation of the voltage and the type of battery is always applied to the packaging, and power can be judged by the maximum current strength that the battery gives out.

Many batteries for hearing aids have a special color. The PR48 element is usually indicated in orange.

Upon purchase, you should carefully inspect the packaging. If abrasions are found or the font is blurry, then it is better to refuse the purchase. Cases of fakes of elements of this type are not rare.Counterfeit products can not only work out too little time, but can also be dangerous to use.

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Charging device