Battery AG12


Miniature clock batteries are indispensable products when it is necessary to provide electric current to devices that weigh only a few tens of grams. This article will discuss the element AG12 and its analogues.

AG12 Battery Specifications

Information on technical specifications is usually applied to the packaging of the product. This type of power supply has the following main parameters:

Basic designationAG12
The formTablet (coin)
Capacity70 mAh
Voltage1.55 V
Analog AG12Read more HERE
Diameter11.6 mm
Height4.2 mm

The AG12 battery has a very low self-discharge, therefore, to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the electronic device, several elements can be purchased at once.


Battery Applications

The main purpose of using this element is miniature time measuring devices. In addition, the AG12 battery can be used in the following low-current devices:

  • Calculators.
  • Keychain flashlights.
  • Laser Pointers.
  • Toys.

The use of this element is not limited to the use in these devices, because every year new gadgets appear, the functioning of which requires a miniature source of electric current.

Battery analogs AG12

Analogs can, if necessary, replace the original battery. Such elements fully coincide with the main type of element in terms of voltage and other, most important characteristics. The following products can be used to replace the AG12 battery:

The listed items are interchangeable, therefore, in those devices where they are used, you can also install the AG12 battery.

Can I charge the AG12 battery

If you try to charge this type of battery, the product may become very hot, which will lead to explosive depressurization. The release of harmful substances and high temperatures are hazardous to health, and in the presence of flammable substances in the immediate vicinity, a fire can occur.

The AG battery, even manufactured by well-known companies, is inexpensive, and you can buy a product in almost any specialized store, so such experiments are completely unjustified.

Read also:  Battery 390


Popular manufacturers and their features

On sale you can find a large number of brands that produce batteries of this type. The most popular manufacturers of AG12 are:

  • Camelion - the company specializes in the production of "tablet" batteries, so product quality is always at the highest level.
  • Maxell - mid-range batteries; product quality is excellent.
  • Rexant - low-cost alkaline power supplies. Product quality is quite acceptable.

Less well-known manufacturers of AG12 batteries are Videx and FOCUSray, but given the volume of sales, they are also popular with domestic owners of miniature devices.

What to look for when buying

When buying new batteries type AG12, you need not make a mistake and purchase an element that is suitable for installation in a miniature electronic device.

First of all, you should pay attention to voltage and power. The voltage and capacity of the product are indicated on the package, so there will be no problems with determining the type of battery.

If the marking is not readable or the description is made in a foreign language, then this is a clear sign of counterfeit products, so if you find such defects, you should refuse to purchase.

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Charging device