Battery FB9000


A new line of FB9000 batteries has recently appeared on the domestic automobile market, continuing the tradition of Japanese Super Nova batteries known in Russia. Makes them the Japanese company The Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd. The batteries manufactured and manufactured by this company are certified in Russia and have international certificates of conformity ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. In turn, this guarantees high quality and reliability of batteries.

About FB

Company Furukawa battery appeared on the world market in 1950. Its activities are inextricably linked with the production of batteries intended for automobile and railway transport, aviation and astronautics, as well as emergency systems that ensure the vital functions of buildings and structures when the centralized power supply networks are disconnected.

Battery fb

The batteries produced at the company's enterprises are supplied to many countries of the world and, in addition, they are initially equipped with cars of such well-known brands as Toyota, Honda, Suzuki and others coming off the factory conveyors. They are also installed on Japanese motorcycles.

Where is the FB9000 Battery Used

The batteries included in the FB9000 line are universal batteries with an increased inrush current, designed for installation in urban cars of small and medium class, operated in harsh climatic conditions. They surpass existing analogues in:

  • technical parameters;
  • reliability;
  • increased by 200% (when compared with a standard battery) life.

FB9000 series batteries fully satisfy the needs of cars with a large number of modern electronic systems. Being completely maintenance free, these batteries are equipped with a charge indicator, protective covers for the terminals and a convenient carrying handle. In addition, their design provides a function that can prevent the explosion of the battery.

Applied Technologies in FB9000

The Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd. engineers have the highest technical specifications and operational parameters. managed to achieve through the use of innovative technologies, among which we can highlight:

  • Book-mold Casting technology, which is used in the manufacture of anode plates and can significantly increase both its wear resistance and the battery life as a whole. A positive effect is achieved due to the fact that the mold, made in the form of a book, allows for tight contact of the active substances with the lattice. The tensile strength of the plate also increased. In this case, short circuiting of the plates and loss of contact with the active substance are practically eliminated.
  • The use of hot rolling in the manufacture of plates, as well as optimization of the shape of the lattice. In addition, a new version of the design of the electrodes was applied. These changes made it possible to increase the charge reception rate by more than 12% (if compared with standard batteries).
  • Application for the manufacture of active plates of lead-calcium alloy C21 with original additives developed by the company's specialists. This completely eliminates the need for battery maintenance with minimal self-discharge and improves battery performance at low temperatures.
  • The Double Cover technology, which provides for the existence of a labyrinth system of venting channels in the top cover, which does not allow electrolyte vapor to break out. The use of a new cap significantly reduced fluid loss during boiling of the electrolyte, which eliminated the need to top up water. In addition, its design eliminates leakage of electrolyte even when the battery is turned on its side.
Read also:  Batteries Deka

 General specifications

In the domestic market, the FB9000 battery line is represented by five models. Comparative results of the review of their technical characteristics are summarized in the table.

Battery FB9000 Series46B19R / L70B24R / L85D23R / L110D26R / L125D31R / L
Capacity, Ah4355708092
Cold scroll current, A380520670760870
Dimensions, mm (LxWxH)185x125x227236x128x227232x173x225257x170x225304x171x225
Polarity[+ -] and [- +][+ -] and [- +][+ -] and [- +][+ -] and [- +][+ -] and [- +]
Carry handle+++++
Battery Weight9.712.615.918.522.5


Battery Maintenance and Charging

Batteries included in the FB9000 line are maintenance-free. But at the same time they require careful treatment. So, for example, you can’t:

  • allow deep battery discharge;
  • keep the battery in a discharged state;
  • so that traces of oxidation are retained at the pole terminals for a long time, etc.

In addition, the external surfaces of the battery must be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt. It is also advisable to periodically check the charge level and, if necessary, recharge the battery.

The batteries of the FB9000 family are charged using a charger, which is connected to the battery terminals, observing the necessary polarity.

A charging current is set on the charger, the force of which should not exceed 1/10 of the battery capacity.

Important! With a deep discharge, the charge current should not exceed 2 A.

During charging, which usually lasts from 10 to 12 hours, it is necessary to check the output voltage of the charger every 2 ... 3 hours (the recommended range of change is 14 ... 16 V).

Did you have or have a batteryFb9000? Then tell us in the comments about your impressions about him, this will greatly help other motorists and will make the material more complete and accurate.



On the Internet you can find a large number of reviews of owners of batteries of the FB9000 series. For example:

  • Car enthusiast Barbitoora from Tula believes that Furukawa Battery is the only company that is seriously engaged in the production of batteries. Now he has purchased a 55 amp battery. His only drawback is the presence of thin terminals, which is why I had to additionally purchase special adapters.
  • Car owner Sergey22 reported that he had purchased a battery of the FB9000 series. It is hoped that he will serve at least 5 years.
  • A visitor to the site Oil-Club Stalker1971 from the city of Kozhevnikovo said that of the number of batteries used by him, he considers the model FB9000 85D23 to be his absolute favorite.
Read also:  Cene Batteries
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Charging device